Sony SGPT112US/S Wi-Fi Tablet (32GB)

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Price: $339.99 

Product Feature
- Android Honeycomb Operating System
- NVIDIA Tegra2 Processor; 1 GB Internal RAM
- Front and Rear Camera. Front 0.3 Megapixel. Rear 5.0 Megapixel
- Bluetooth Integrated Stereo
- Full-size SD Card slot (for media exchange only)
Product Description
All the great things you know from Sony, now in a tablet. With a comfortable design that fits easily in your hand, and a vibrant TruBlack display, enjoy a truly optimized tablet that's responsive and intuitive. Access PlayStation games, Reader eBooks, music and new release movies through Sony Entertainment Network or control your living room via the built-in universal IR remote control.
Sony SGPT112US/S Wi-Fi Tablet (32GB) Review
I have now used this tablet for almost 3 months. I am not a journalist or evaluator of electronic devices (borrowed for short period). I am just a normal user who uses it daily for myself. I do not own any other tablet but have a colleague who uses an iPad, with which I can compare.
After one month of use, I found myself loving it. After two moths, I was loving it even more. And after almost 3 months, I cannot live without. I recommend it highly to everyone.
I am an Apple fan. I have been a Mac user for last 20 years. I bought at least 4 iPods in the past. And I currently use iPhone. So naturally I liked iPad when my colleague showed me one.
Then why I did not buy Apple's tablet (iPad)? That's because I am an iPhone user! More and more I learned about iPad, it became clear to me that it is a "big iPhone without phone". I already have most of the features of iPad in my iPhone.
In other words, If I buy an iPad, I gain little while paying twice for the same things. But If I buy an android tablet, my selection of features and apps gets doubled, as I gain an access to Android Market in addition to Apple's App store.
This was one of decisive reasons why I chose Sony Tablet over Apple's iPad.
I use Sony Tablet both at home and at work, daily.
At work, I use it for emailing, web browsing, scheduling, and note taking.
At home, in addition to what I do at work, I use it as e-reader (Kindle), video/movie watching. I use it as a universal controller for everything in living room (TV, CABLE, BD/DVD Player, AV Receiver). I also sometimes listen to music (Music Unlimited) in bed.
On weekends, I take it with me when going out. I use it to take pictures and videos. I use it as e-reader (Kindle) at cafeteria while listening to music (Music Unlimited). My wife uses it to watch movies in the car when we go out for a long drive.
I charge it during night and I do not carry power cable at all during a day because I have plenty of juice left at end of the day.
A. Superb Design - Beautifully curved design with a wedge shaped body is a winner.
I found that its physical design is not just gorgeous but significantly useful.
(1) When holding it on your hand, it feels lighter than flat type because the center of gravity is closer to your holding hand.
(This is true even when holding it horizontally with both hands if you hold the upper half of the device. And it feels secure because the wedge shape on upper side works as a slip-stopper.)
(2) It is much safer and easier to carry it around room to room without fear of dropping it because the wedge shaped side works as a slip-stopper between your fingers that hold it.
(3) The screen is easier to view with less glare, and its virtual keyboard is easier to type when placed on the desk because the wedge gives a comfortable elevation on upper side. You do not need a special carrier case to do that like all other flat shaped tablets.
(4) This is the only tablet that you can gently put on the desk and comfortably pick it up without fear of dropping it because the wedge shape with hollowed sides gives you a convenient handle to hold it securely.
Sony is the first company that realized that thiner is not necessarily better. Thiner and flatter the device, the more difficult to gently put it on a hard surface of desk because your fingers are not on the sides but underneath, and you have to pull your fingers from beneath at some point. And thiner and flatter the device, the more difficult it is to pick up. (Just imagine about picking up an unbending flat thin plastic plate from a desk!)
(5) It is simply gorgeous to look at both when held in hand and placed on the desktop (you don't need ugly case to elevate the upper side).
B. Light Weight - Use of special plastics make this tablet light and strong.
(1) This tablet is lightest among all tablets in its size-class. It is essential for mobile device to be light. Lighter the better; therefore, it is the best in its class in this regard.
(2) Sony achieves this lightness by using plastics. However, not all plastics are made equal. Sony fortified its device by using very sturdy special plastics (as opposed to cheep ones used in Samsung's). In other words, it is high quality plastic that is strong, very strong.
C. Large Storage Capacity (External SD card and USB drive)
(1) I bought one with 32GB. I also bought a 32GB external SD card. Together, my Sony Tablet has 64GB at all times. That's plenty for many videos and movies and other data. (Compare with Kindle Fire which has only 8GB)
(2) In addition, with a USB connector ($17), I can also connect to my 500GB USB pocket drive if I need it. (iPad does not have USB connector.)
D. High Quality Camera and Video Recorder and Crisp Video Replay
One of the things that my friends envy about my Sony Tablet is quality of pictures and videos it can record. You take video in front of them and replay immediately in beautiful resolution. And watch their reaction :). It's fun.
E. Universal Media Controller
I use it as universal media controller in my living room. I have now one device to control my TV,Cable, BD/DVD, and AV Receiver.
F. EReader Apps
I have all with Sony Tablet: Kindle app, Nook app, and Sony EReader app in this one device. I use Kindle app to read, well, Amazon books. I use Sony Reader app to read books from local libraries.
G. Music Unlimited
My music life has changed drastically after I became a Sony Music Unlimited subscriber. My music life was centered around Apple's iTune, in which case I was listening to same music over and over again because I had to buy every songs that I want to listen. And I can buy only so many. However, if you become a subscriber to the Music Unlimited, millions of songs become available to you. Suddenly my music world became drastically widened. I now listen to more music that I have never listened before. My favorite songs no longer become boring due to overly repeated listening. And I can listen to Music Unlimited at any place (not just Sony Tablet but any networked device such as PC, PS3, BD/DVD, etc).
H. Wide Screen
Unlike iPad or iPad-wannabe tablets, Sony Tablet has a wider screen. That gives Sony Tablet at least two major advantages. First, it is much more suitable as a movie viewer. If you intend to use tablet for movie viewing, this is an important consideration. Second, it gives Sony Tablet a comfortable space for a virtual keyboard that includes numeric keypad, just like a normal keyboard. I really hate iPad virtual keyboard because I have to keep switching in order to type a number. Another good thing resulted from Sony not followling Apple.
1. You do not need to buy a carrying case specifically made for a tablet if you already have a laptop case. I did not buy one because the wedge shaped Sony Tablet does not need one. I simply wrap my tablet with a soft cloth and put it in a case I had for my old laptop. In a cafeteria, I proudly pull out my Sony Tablet and place it naked on a table and look at a guy at next table, who is typing into his iPad submerged inside an ugly case that he has to use in order to give it an angle.
2. You need some kind of screen wiper. I bought "Monitor Wipes" from Staples. I carry several wet sheets in a small plastic bag, which I refill once a week.
3. You do not need to worry about power plug that some evaluators seem to complain. It works just fine.
4. You do not have to buy Kindle or Nook devices to enjoy Amazon or B&N e-books. You can get a free Kindle app or Nook app as well as Sony EReader for Sony Tablet.
5. You need headphones if you intend to use it for music or movies in public (such as cafeteria). I bought Sony Ultra Lightweight MDR-W08L ($7) from Amazon. It's very light and easy on your ears.
6. Configure system so that you can have your virtual keyboard with numeric key pad. It is so much easy to type things if number keys are available without switching keyboard.
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