Cisco WS-C2960-24TC-S Catalyst 2960 24-port 10/100 Switch
You looking to find the "Cisco WS-C2960-24TC-S Catalyst 2960 24-port 10/100 Switch" Good news! You can purchase Cisco WS-C2960-24TC-S Catalyst 2960 24-port 10/100 Switch with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- Gigabit on all ports (the all-gig switches are LanBase)
- RPS support, larger range of SFP models
- Layer 2-4 ACLs, DHCP snooping, 802.1x enhancements
Product Description
The �Cisco Catalyst 2960-S and 2960 Series are fixed-configuration access switches designed for enterprise, midmarket, and branch office networks to provide lower total cost of ownership.Cisco WS-C2960-24TC-S Catalyst 2960 24-port 10/100 Switch Review
The C2960-24TC-S is the 10/100 + gig-uplink version of the workhorse Cisco2960. I run a number of 2960s (various models) for work, including a recent purchase of this model. They offer a full set of features (QoS, trunking, VLANs, traffic shaping, SNMP, etc), but we primarily use them for straightforward Layer2 switching while gathering simple traffic stats.Unlike cheaper switches in this space, the uplink/SFP ports are not shared, and can be used as normal ports, making this effectively a 26-port switch. (but you have to use just one of the UTP or the SFP for the uplinks). Cisco SFPs are required (and are expensive). Other brands (including CiscoLinksys) will show up as disabled/error.
This model is lower-priced in part because it runs the Cisco "Lan Lite" IOS (rather than "Lan Base"). For most users, this won't make a difference, but noteworthy since LanLite and LanBase installations are not interchangeable. Cisco lists these differences, that are missing in LanLite:
* gigabit on all ports (the all-gig switches are LanBase)
* RPS support, larger range of SFP models
* Layer 2-4 ACLs, DHCP snooping, 802.1x enhancements
* Some additional QoS capabilities
* Higher network-level availability (eg Flex Links)
* Larger number of VLANs
For most of my installs, I don't miss these features other than the gig-on-all-ports (skipping that is a cost-based decision).
My very recent purchase was manufactured Feb2010 and shipped with IOS 12.2(44)SE6 . IOS releases are frequent, and I noticed there have been 6 minor releases already for this switch since then, but fortunately the updates are available as free downloads (after registration) from the Cisco support site.
After trying various other brands (and having lots of reliability and throughput problems), I've decided you get what you pay for in L2 managed switches, and now I specify only Cisco, and usually a 2960. Highly recommended.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Cisco WS-C2960-24TC-S Catalyst 2960 24-port 10/100 Switch" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Cisco WS-C2960-24TC-S Catalyst 2960 24-port 10/100 Switch ...
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