Ceton InfiniTV 4 USB - 4-channel External Cable TV Tuner Device for CableCARD
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- Ceton InfiniTV 4 USB
Product Description
The Ceton InfiniTV 4 USB is an external 4-tuner digital cable TV device that turns your PC into the ultimate set-top box and DVR. With InfiniTV on your PC, you can replace your cable set-top box and associated monthly lease and DVR fees and use Windows 7's built-in Media Center functionality to watch and record 4 live cable TV channels at once, including HD and premium channels like HBO, Showtime and Starz! InfiniTV 4 USB uses the same award-winning technology as Ceton's InfiniTV 4 PCIe, the world's best-selling digital cable tuner for the PC. If you're looking for an internal device with the same capabilities, check out the Ceton InfiniTV 4 PCIe model. When used with Media Center Extenders like the Xbox 360, you can also stream live or recorded cable channels to other TVs in your home over your home network. Using only a single cable connection and single CableCARD from your cable operator, InfiniTV can deliver all your cable channels and full DVR capability on any TV set. Requires a compatible PC with Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, or Windows 7 Ultimate and an available USB port. Requires a cable TV subscription and CableCARD from your cable operator. Media Center Extender(s) required to access cable channels and recordings on secondary TV sets.Ceton InfiniTV 4 USB - 4-channel External Cable TV Tuner Device for CableCARD Review
I purchased the Ceton Infinitv 4 USB as soon as it was released. Set up with Windows Media Center was very easy. Bit of advice, download the latest drivers from Ceton's Support site prior to installation. I had a couple of problems and Ceton's support was quick to answer my questions. The problems were not with the device, but rather the user. Activating the cable card with my cable company Comcast was difficult. It took three days to actually get it working correctly. The problem was not with the device, but rather the cable company. They had to make sure the Cablecard was in their inventory as a one-way card then they actually had to activate as a one-way instead of a two-way card. Once they had it activated it worked flawlessly. I am running Windows 7 with 3ghz processor and 8gb of ram and have no problem recording up to 4 shows and watching tv through 3 xbox media extenders at once. This device works great and now my wife is no longer bugging me to buy 3 tivo's with lifetime service to replace the cable company's sub-par dvr. I highly recommend this device if you want true control over your tv. I have 2 3tb drives for my recordings and can store over 600 hours of hd programming. The combination of Windows 7 Media Center and the Ceton Infinitv 4 USB give you great customization options and works flawlessly.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Ceton InfiniTV 4 USB - 4-channel External Cable TV Tuner Device for CableCARD" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Ceton InfiniTV 4 USB - 4-channel External Cable TV Tuner Device for CableCARD ...
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